Shan óg Dairy - Old Style Creamy Farm Milk-Glass — NeighbourFood
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Shan óg Dairy / Old Style Creamy Farm Milk-Glass
Old Style Creamy Farm Milk-Glass

Shan óg Dairy - Old Style Creamy Farm Milk-Glass

Title Price
1 x 568ml €2.00
Old Style Creamy Farm Milk (Pasteurised /Non homogenised) in a nostalgic pint glass bottle with a foil cap. Like the old traditional milk the cream rises to the top

Any drink from a glass bottle tastes well.

Goes well with coffee,breakfast cereals or a great recovery drink after strenuous exercise

The glass bottles are refunded 30c each at the collection point in Bannons so please rinse and return
Shelf Life: 7 Days
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Version: #20221019.1737#
Environment: ProductionIE
Process Id: 1800